Case Study: Fund-Space
Group project Front end + Back end C#
The Project
FundSpace is a web application that allows a user to create, view, and donate to campaigns to help a certain cause. We used popular crowdfunding apps like Kickstarter and GoFundMe as references throughout the project and declared the Home Page, User Profile, and Campaign pages as our minimum viable product (MVP). Fund Space is meant to be run on a Windows computer
My role was to design the brand, User flow, wireframe and prototype the website, and the front end (HTML + SASS/CSS + JavaScript)
User Flow
We defined two main users:
1- Campaign creator
2- Donner
Users that want to make a donation don't need an account, deliberately, to accelerate the donation process and encourage users to make a contribution
Design Approach
We created a logo that represented greatness, and then we relied on the logo to develop a theme
Named the app based on the theme and the app mission. "Fund Space"